1. Report -

    Correct as of 26 January 2022
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    We asked care home managers about access to health services for their residents.
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    As we come out of the pandemic, we asked care home managers how easy it was to get support for their residents from GPs, dentists, opticians, community health, and hospital transport services.
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    Islington is a borough of stark inequalities. We want to see services and support designed around the needs of those residents experiencing this inequality.
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    Healthwatch responds to the Islington Council's call for evidence, sharing examples of inequality that we have come across in our recent work.
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    Our online survey explored how local people's experiences of accessing a GP have changed since the pandemic
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    Speakers from Whittington Health Community Services and the Islington GP Federation answered questions about community-based physio services in Islington.
  8. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
  9. Advice and Information -

    One in five people in Islington have high blood pressure but only half know that they do. Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart attack and stroke. The only way to find out whether you have high blood pressure is to get it measured.
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    We engaged with over 2,200 residents, providing information, digital support, and gathering views on accessing health and care services, experiences of Long Covid, and the wider impact of the pandemic.
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    Healthwatch is working in partnership with Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust to make local health services more accessible.
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    Thanks to people sharing their experiences of GP appointments with us, we’ve been able to help local commissioners draw up an action plan to make GP services easier to access for all our residents.
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    Our staff and volunteers have been offering free blood pressure tests and raising awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure at Callyfest and on Chapel Market.
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    Information about cervical and breast screening appointments, and home testing kits for bowel cancer.
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    At our information event in August, Islington GP Dr Jennifer Rea talked to us about the importance of cervical screening and answered your questions.
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    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.
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    Healthwatch Islington's Chief Executive, Emma Whitby, observed the meeting at which the decision was taken and was impressed by the robustness of the process.
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    We've spoken to people about screening services at our engagement events and collected views via an online survey.