Healthwatch Islington needs your feedback on screening services

If you've been invited for a cervical smear test or breast screening appointment or been sent a home testing kit for bowel cancer screening, then we're interested in hearing about your experience.
A Muslim woman sits across from her female doctor as she talks with her about cervical cancer

The last appointment I received by post asked me to go to the Royal Free, but the Royal Free is too far for me to attend. I don't have an easy transport route to get there from my house plus it would take a very long time and I can't leave my husband alone (I am his full-time carer). So I didn't go!

Feedback from a local resident on a breast screening appointment

In Islington, participation in bowel, breast, and cervical cancer screening programmes is below the national and the London average.

The people responsible for these screening services would like to understand why participation rates are low and, more importantly, what they could do to make screening services easier for people to access.

If you use screening services (or if you are eligible for screening services but you avoid using them) you can help by letting us know about your experiences. The survey below takes only a minute or two to complete and we'd really value your feedback.