1. Response -

    Healthwatch Islington is pleased that the new fertility policy for North Central London will follow the guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

  2. Report -

    We asked care home managers about access to health services for their residents.
  3. News -

    As we come out of the pandemic, we asked care home managers how easy it was to get support for their residents from GPs, dentists, opticians, community health, and hospital transport services.
  4. Report -

    Many people have reported difficulties accessing NHS dental services in Islington since the pandemic.
  5. News -

    Our latest report shares local people's experiences of trying to access NHS dentistry in Islington since the pandemic
  6. News -

    Our latest report shares local people's experiences of trying to access NHS dentistry in Islington since the pandemic
  7. Response -

    Islington is a borough of stark inequalities. We want to see services and support designed around the needs of those residents experiencing this inequality.
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch responds to the Islington Council's call for evidence, sharing examples of inequality that we have come across in our recent work.
  9. Report -

    Our online survey explored how local people's experiences of accessing a GP have changed since the pandemic
  10. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
  11. Advice and Information -

    12 million people in the UK have hearing loss, around 4.4million are of working age.
  12. Blog -

    Seraphine joined Healthwatch Islington as a volunteer during the pandemic
  13. Report -

    We engaged with over 2,200 residents, providing information, digital support, and gathering views on accessing health and care services, experiences of Long Covid, and the wider impact of the pandemic.
  14. News -

    Healthwatch is working in partnership with Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust to make local health services more accessible.
  15. Report -

    Nafsiyat is a charity offering intercultural therapy in over 20 languages to people from diverse cultural communities. They asked us to evaluate their Intercultural Therapy Service for Bengali and Sylheti speakers.
  16. Report -

    Healthwatch Islington volunteers and staff visited 40 Islington pharmacies. The aim of these visits was to observe the physical space of the pharmacy and comment on its accessibility.
  17. News -

    We've been going out into the community to support residents' mental and physical wellbeing.
  18. News -

    We've spoken to people about screening services at our engagement events and collected views via an online survey.