1. Advice and Information -

    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Find out what to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms, where to go for support, and how you can help stop the spread
  3. Advice and Information -

    The current Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our seven steps to looking after your wellbeing while staying informed.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Coronavirus updates from a range of organisations providing more specialist advice
  5. Advice and Information -

    We explain why it’s important to have a plan in place, should you or a loved one become critically ill with coronavirus.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Data specialists from University College London Hospital spoke to us about ways we can keep safe online. We also learned how our health data is shared.
  7. News -

    Participants are needed for a focus group planned for 21 October, led by specialists from University College Hospital
  8. Advice and Information -

    A consultant in medical virology from University College London spoke to us about the upcoming flu season and debunked some common misconceptions about flu vaccinations.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Dr Paraskevopoulou, a consultant in medical virology from University College London answered questions from Healthwatch members about the upcoming flu season and flu vaccinations
  10. Report -

    Meeting notes
  11. Report -

    We helped over 1,300 people improve their understanding of hypertension.