1. Advice and Information -

    The current Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our seven steps to looking after your wellbeing while staying informed.
  2. Report -

    We interviewed 73 residents from migrant communities who were living with mental health issues find out what their experiences were of accessing the support available in the borough.
  3. News -

    The coronavirus pandemic means that many of us are isolated from friends and family. Mental health support has never been more important. Our latest report investigates how well these services meet the needs of migrant communities in Islington.
  4. News -

    In stressful times services that support our mental health are even more important. We spoke to residents from Islington's migrant communities to better understand their experiences.
  5. Report -

    Last year, we engaged with over 2300 residents. 650 people shared their stories about health and social care, and we made 25 recommendations to services about the improvements that people would like to see.
  6. News -

    At our 30 June event speakers from the research team at University College London Hospital helped us understand how the pandemic has affected our mental health. We heard that there are lessons to learn from previous coronavirus outbreaks.
  7. Report -

    The presentations and notes from our 30 June mental health event
  8. Report -

    We surveyed 200 local residents, 180 of whom were from migrant communities. We asked them about their experiences of lockdown, and of the coronavirus pandemic more broadly.
  9. Blog -

    Feedback we received from residents and local organisations supporting migrant communities is helping make mental health services easier to access for people from diverse cultural backgrounds
  10. Response -

    Islington is a borough of stark inequalities. We want to see services and support designed around the needs of those residents experiencing this inequality.
  11. Report -

    Healthwatch responds to the Islington Council's call for evidence, sharing examples of inequality that we have come across in our recent work.
  12. News -

    Healthwatch is working in partnership with Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust to make local health services more accessible.
  13. Report -

    We engaged with over 2,200 residents, providing information, digital support, and gathering views on accessing health and care services, experiences of Long Covid, and the wider impact of the pandemic.
  14. Report -

    Nafsiyat is a charity offering intercultural therapy in over 20 languages to people from diverse cultural communities. They asked us to evaluate their Intercultural Therapy Service for Bengali and Sylheti speakers.
  15. News -

    We've been going out into the community to support residents' mental and physical wellbeing.
  16. Advice and Information -

    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.