1. News -

    Our volunteers visited local pharmacies to see how accessible they were for people in wheelchairs or with limited mobility.
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    If you've been invited for a cervical smear test or breast screening appointment or been sent a home testing kit for bowel cancer screening, then we're interested in hearing about your experience.
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    At our information event in August, Islington GP Dr Jennifer Rea talked to us about the importance of cervical screening and answered your questions.
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    We've been going out into the community to support residents' mental and physical wellbeing.
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    Healthwatch Islington's Chief Executive, Emma Whitby, observed the meeting at which the decision was taken and was impressed by the robustness of the process.
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    We've spoken to people about screening services at our engagement events and collected views via an online survey.
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    Our volunteers rang local GP practices as though they were booking an appointment. We wanted to find out how much recorded information they had to listen to and whether the content was up to date.
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    Attendees were able to access help on a range support services as well as lunch being available for all.
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    The Royal College of Nursing has announced that members will take strike action from Sunday 30 April to Monday 1 May 2023.
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    We spoke to 212 residents from communities that experience health inequalities. Over half found the booking process difficult. Many struggled to get through by phone and it was hard to get a face-to-face appointment.
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    Many of the people we spoke to wanted to see pharmacies offering more preventative and diagnostic services. Health checks, blood tests, and cholesterol tests were services people said they could access more easily at a pharmacy.
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    We listened to feedback from LGBTQI+ residents on a wide range of services including healthcare, social care, mental health support, and housing.
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    We spoke to 65 residents from communities experiencing health inequalities. All were smokers or ex-smokers. Few had taken up the offer of support to give up.
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    GP websites can be hard to navigate and present many barriers to patients who are not confident online. We've been working with residents and commissioners to make things better.
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    In Islington, participation in bowel, breast, and cervical cancer screening programmes is below the national and the London average.
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    Our staff and volunteers have been putting that question to shoppers at Chapel Market and partygoers at the Caledonian Road street festival.
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    Celebrating ten years of Healthwatch Islington
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    Celebrating ten years of Healthwatch Islington
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    Have you recently received eye surgery services or are you going through the process now? The NHS in North Central London is seeking feedback on proposed changes to where some patients have planned eye surgery.
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    Celebrating ten years of Healthwatch Islington
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    Celebrating ten years of Healthwatch Islington
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    Our tenth birthday celebration gave us the chance to say thank you to all the volunteers, partner organisations, and residents who have been key to our success.
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    Our team of volunteer digital champions have been recognised again for the fantastic job they do.
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    We can point you in the right direction if you need help accessing other health or care services. We'd also like to hear your views on the care you receive at home.
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    Local people share their key concerns about health and care services today
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    A quick heads-up on eight of our key projects for this year.
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    We helped over 1,300 people improve their understanding of hypertension and identified over 130 people with undiagnosed hypertension, whom we were able to point in the direction of their GP or community pharmacy for further tests.
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    We asked over 500 residents with long-term health conditions what they wanted from their yearly check-ups
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    We'll be supporting the North Central London Mental Health Trust to learn from best practices across the region to improve the experience of carers
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    We asked over 500 residents with long-term conditions about their patterns of physical activity and exercise and how this was affected by their health.
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    Residents with long-term health conditions tell us that the opportunity to speak directly to a health professional can give them the confidence they need to increase their levels of physical activity safely.
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    Somali and Turkish women have a higher refusal rate for cervical screening than the Islington average. Our project has enabled women to have one-to-one conversations about screening with cancer champions in their first language.
  33. Advice and Information -

    Confidential patient information identifies you and says something about your health, care or treatment. You would expect this information to be kept private.
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    Who you need to contact when you want to complain about a health service.
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    Choosing a care home can be daunting and it's important to have the right information. Find out more about your rights and how to complain if you are not happy.
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    Support available in Islington for residents with dementia, or with concerns about their memory.
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    Support available in Islington for residents recovering from a stroke, and for their family members and carers.
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    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
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    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
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    Here are six steps that people have told us health and social care services can take to provide a better environment while they wait.
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    Social prescribing is a means by which people can access non-clinical activities designed to support health and wellbeing.
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    Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.
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    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
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    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.